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Check out some of our events below.


100% of your registration donation for these events

will go directly to the charity.


For a full listing of our virtual events, visit


June 28-July 19, 2020

Our mission is two fold. First, we rescue abused and abandoned animals and re-home them with loving families. We rescue from all over,from hurricane stricken areas like North Carolina and Puerto Rico, from our community outreach program and through the SOI Foundation in Thailand, who saves dogs that were destined for the meat trade in China. Our volunteers are passionate about what they do and it shows! Over the past 12 years, we have rescued and re-homed over 4,000 dogs and cats! Please help us continue our life's work.


July 4-11, 2020

SpayCC is dedicated to reducing the number of abandoned cats and dogs in our communities through aggressive, affordable spay/neuter and supplying aid to help pay for it.

100% of your race entry fee goes to Spay Campbell County Tennessee Pets!


July 11-18, 2020

Our Mission: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. We pursue our vision and mission through the strategy of to and through the coach. We seek ministry first to coaches hearts, marriages and families. Then, when ready, we minister through coaches to their fellow coaches, teams and athlete leaders.


July 17-19, 2020

Valley Manor Care Center is a program of Volunteers of America. Founded in 1896, Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping those in need live healthy, safe and productive lives. Through hundreds of human service programs, including housing and health care, Volunteers of America touches the lives of more than 1.3 million people each year across the country.


July 25-Aug. 8, 2020

Your support allow us to say "yes" to more veterans whose lives will be changed by a service dog trained specifically to assist their needs. Whether it's their first dog or their second, whether they've been an assistance dog user for one year or 50 years, our graduates tell us again and again about the miraculous ways their lives changed once they trained with a new partner with four paws. You have provided the gift of independence to veterans living everyday with disabilities, and YOU are helping them live a life without boundaries.


Sept. 21-Oct. 7, 2020

COVID19 has disrupted the way we all do things, but it doesn't have to affect our Neon Deon Run. Single parents need you more than ever today as they face job losses, furloughs, food and cleaning supply shortages, as well as the health concerns of the Coronavirus pandemic. You're probably looking for a fun way to give back and do something fun safely. Our virtual run is a great way to do it!


July 11-27, 2020

God’s divine purpose for your life ministry is a nonprofit ministry who plants seeds of positivity and growth in the lives of all people from all walks of life who is struggling in becoming self-sufficient. Giving others hope that they become great leaders, mentors, and coaches in their community and in themselves.


July 15- August 15, 2020

The mission of Gilda’s Club Westchester is to create welcoming communities of free support for everyone living with cancer – men, women, teens and children – along with their families and friends. They have innovative programs that are an essential complement to medical care, providing individual counseling, support groups, workshops, education and social activities.


September 5-7, 2020

The Micah Project ministers to street-connected youth in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We have three group homes for boys and young men, a street ministry team,
as well as community outreaches to the boys' families and our other neighbors. 100% of your race entry fee goes to the ministry.



May 15-25, 2020

During these past few months, many local non-profits have seen their donations decrease when the needs in our community are greater than ever. By running this race together, even while we are apart, we can all play a role in bringing foster children from HEARTBREAK TO HOPE.

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May 15-29, 2020

Join Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service to DE-FEET HUNGER The economic impact of the current pandemic has resulted in even greater number of people reaching out for help. Proceeds from registrations and donations will help meet these needs in the coming weeks and months.


May 15-31, 2020

FCA cordially invites you to join us for our Virtual 5K and Prayer Walk!  You can run or walk in either the 5K race or the 1M Fun Run. We encourage you to use your time running or walking to join us in prayer with our Almighty Father in heaven.


May 25-June 7, 2020

This virtual Color 5K take the place of our postponed race. Show us your brilliant colors while running and send us a photo to show your support. Proceeds will support Peninsula Family Service, the San Mateo/Foster City School District and our club. We appreciate it! 


May 29- June 7, 2020

The COVID- 19 epidemic and economic repercussions have affected many in our community. Race registrations will assist Tri-Cities Area Habitat for Humanity in the mission to build decent affordable housing and provide critical home repairs to low income homeowners. 


May 30-June 7, 2020

The American Cancer Society’s mission is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer.

100% of your race entry fee goes to the American Cancer Society. 


June 1-30, 2020

Stability First is a non-profit organization established to address multiple issues associated with the alleviation of poverty. This includes providing transitional housing as well as a circle of services geared toward assisting low income families in increasing their financial stability and self-sufficiency. 

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May 5 - June 30, 2020

This National Virtual Race Series is being hosted in each state. For 50 years,  Samaritan's Purse has done its utmost to follow Christ's command by going to the aid of the world's poor, sick, and suffering.


June 6-21, 2020

Sunshine Foundation answers the dreams of chronically ill, physically challenged, and abused children ages three to eighteen, whose families cannot fulfill their requests due to the financial strain that their child’s illness may cause.


June 12-22, 2020

Frontier Horizon was established to meet the basic needs of orphans and destitute people around the world. Our present mission is the improvement of the health, education and general welfare of orphan children in Ukraine, Colombia, and Nicaragua.


June 12-26, 2020

Help Habitat for Humanity raise funds to build a new Habitat home for a low-income family. All proceeds are used towards the construction of a new Habitat home which gives families the opportunity to own an affordable, decent place to call home and a safe and secure environment to raise their children. 


June 13-28, 2020

The Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) over the past 38 years has grown into the nation’s leading resource for grassroots environmental activism; a ground-breaking, progressive organization with a vision for clean, safe, green neighborhoods and communities.


June 15-28, 2020

The Farm's mission is to provide hands-on research-based learning to all residents with themes in agriculture, animal sciences, history, STEM, healthy living, and life skills in a unique year-round learning environment and in community spaces. The Farm’s vision is to connect with our agricultural heritage and to pave the way for a bright, healthy, and sustainable future. The funds raised will be used to support the 4-H Education Program based at our educational farm.


June 15-29, 2020

Our mission is to stimulate learning through creativity, play and exploration. We fulfill our mission by offering programs focused on literacy, health and nutrition, and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) topics. We recognizes that play is absolutely essential for the healthy development of children and gives them the building blocks to succeed in school and beyond, allowing them to build confidence, develop fine and gross motor skills, and develop social skills and language.


June 19-28, 2020

The mission of the Jason Motte Foundation is to provide comfort and care where there is a need for those affected, either directly or indirectly, by cancers of all kinds. The Jason Motte Foundation uses funds raised to continue projects such as updating treatment centers and providing trips to Spring Training for pediatric oncology patients

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